Kids In Mind is one of the best resources on the net for parents to "PRE"check a movie out to confirm whether or not it is appropriate for their kids to go see.
Kids In Mind ease of navigation, rating system and searchability makes this site a reliable, quick and easy click for any parent to confirm "yes Johnny" or "no Johnny" you can or can't see this movie.
Tweens are especially hard to gauge when it comes to movies. They tend to be a little beyond the traditional "kid" movie, but not quite mature enough for the true "teen" movie. As parents, we know our kids best, we know who has matured and who can handle what message. Blindly trusting the movie industry rating system won't always work for what YOUR kid can or can't handle.
The three category, numeric rating system provides parents a quick and easy to read snapshot for each movie. This snapshot lets me know if I need to read the more detailed review before making a decision.
"Sex & Nudity," "Violence & Gore" and "Profanity" each have a numeric,color coded 1-10 rating at the top of each movie's review.
A movie with a 9-10-19 rating would be an over the top sexually graphic movie, filled with bloody violence with a script filled with profanity, (probably an "R" rated movie).
If the movie has a snapshot of 3-4-3, and your not sure, the step by step detailed description of each category will give any parent I know more than they could have asked for in detail regarding each category.
Phrases such as "man's thigh brushes woman's knee under the table during dinner scene" gives the parent a blow by blow of each shot in the film that could be
considered "sexual."
A literal word count of each and every profanity, uttered or muttered, in the film is provided. Minutely detailed descriptions of violence and/or gore for those categories give the parent a true benchmark to rate the film with their family values in mind.
Each review also includes whether or not there is substance abuse involved in the story and to what level it is included in the film.
Reviews wrap up with suggested topics for discussion and the underlying message of each movie.
Being able to read this level of detail, enables me to decide whether or not to allow or not allow my kids to go to a movie with confidence, knowing I am making a well-informed decision.
Even when you kid (and they will) sneaks into a movie, and as always you invaribly find out after the fact, you can click
here and have an informed "de-brief" with your kid about the movie!
From my Perspective, this web site has earned a "Parental Guidance Required" two thumbs up! Check it out, bookmark it in your favorites, and tell the other 'rents on the block about it. Having this resource in your parental arsenal of tools will help you parent your children as best you can.
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