- Splitter for the earpohnes on the laptop.
- Earphones, extra earpohnes and back up earpphones!
- Freshly synced I-touch or phone, with latest and greatest podcasts; This Week in Tech, Buzz Outloud, Security Now, etc.,
- Iphone with GPS - gotta love that.
- One Pillow and blanket for each kid (teenagers don't really like to share)
- DVDs for watching on laptops.
- Chargers for phones and laptops.
- Flashlight ap for ipod for the "reader" in the van
- Card for mom's laptop so she can get internet on the road.
- Book for Mom to read when Dad finally loses it and begins his highway attack mode driving
Caution: not wise to bring freshly baked pies in the car with the dog, or if you do, bake double. Caution: when the dog suddenly starts to bark in the car, he realy needs to go, he isn't joking.
- Plastc bags to pick up what the dog does
- Patience, lots of patience
We survived, it only took 5.5 hours to do a trip that normall takes 4 hrs. tops, on "Exodus Wednesday" from the DC Metro to New Jersey, just outside the city.
What am I thankful for? Arriving! And much, much more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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