Sunday, November 23, 2008

Serendipity at www.LuckyStartUps.Com

Serendipity: When you go looking for one thing, but you find something else. Recently I was watching on one of my favorite websites webcasts. Lucky Start Ups does great interviews with people representing recent, or in the process of, being a "start up" company, usually web based. I find the interviews are both informative and entertaining at the same time. This is not a MSNBC business review, this is almost like the NPR "Car Talk" guys. They are knowledgable about the topic. It is just definitely more casual and relaxed, one might even say a little rough around the edges. Which to me, is the "IT" factor for the show. It is a very approachable, personable and straight-forward environment. The two hosts, Aronado and Dennis, or Mr. Downtown Brown, as Aronado likes to announce, are extremely interested in business, specifically start ups, the ups the downs, and everything in between. They want the information as much as the listener/viewer. You can identify with their excitement over hearing the great business start up stories. They are committed to promoting their guests’ businesses, which usually become sponsors of future shows. Recently due to a mix-up and technical difficulties, their guest was unavailable. The hilarious but dedicated Aronado and "Downtown Mr. Brown" didn’t miss a beat. They worked with what they had; their humor, business perspective and their great banter; they adlibbed, played off the cuff but they also posed great questions to the chat room audience; before you knew it a volley of business brainstorming about networking was in full swing. In between the jokes and commentary, I extracted some great ideas and concepts. Much of what I heard could be considered common sense: Sometimes when you are at the right place at the right time you truly "hear" something, or at least hear it enough to let the spark ignite.

After the broadcast I was inspired to jot down a few things, after a little bit of polishing off when I got home from work, this is what I came up with, based off the brainstorming session:

  1. Networking is networking, whether in the traditional personal arena or the online social networks.
  2. Networking equals: connecting, sharing, adding value
  3. Who is our "natural database" of connections? Our friends!
  4. Having good connections (friends) is based off your character, persona and friendliness.
  5. We need to be engaging and willing to add value to the relationship FIRST.

Perhaps the algorithm to create valuable connections is:

Friendliness + Being Engaging + Adding Value = The Secret to Valuable Connections

Valuable Connections lead to authentic relationships. People want authenticity in their relationships, both personal and business.

This is because, first and foremost, when marketing a business, a concept, a widget, whatever it is; you are marketing yourself. If your client, customer or potential investor can trust you and believe in you, you have amplified your margin for success in creating a successful business relationship.

Creating authentic relationships leads to much more than new business and profitability. It will also lead to your success and fulfillment as a person.

From my perspective no matter what you do, or where you are in life, it always has been, and it always will be, all about relationships.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Auntie M!

First, I would really like to express my appreciation for you and everyone else who makes LuckyStartups a place to have fun & learn together.

We learn so much from each other and it's truly amazing that we have the ability to communicate & connect on so many different levels.

I've been *lucky* to have had the opportunity to work with some amazing people who always stressed the importance of balance and happiness. Socrates said, "Enjoy yourself -- it's later than you think." If we can continue to have a good time while we learn & connect, then I'd say, we are succeeding.

