- These teens tend to stay in the boundries of their "safety net."
- They resist thinking out side the box.
- They become content with always playing it safe, at the creeky old age of 15!
- They will miss out on the thrill of victory outside of your comfort zone.
- They will not feel the reward of risk return.
- They won't strive for anything that is beyond their reach - in other words, if they don't have a pretty failproof gurantee of the outcome, then they won't go for it.
Another classic response to your teens mistakes/failures is the "helicopter parent."
This parent hovers and swoops in at the first sign of distress. They quickly find ways to justify their child's actions, ultimately making the conclusionit wasn't their child's fault. They completely nullify any of the ramifications of their teen's choice or actions. The child is prevented from being accountable, and therefore never learns the lesson: for all actions there are reactions. It's never "their fault." These children are truly being done a dis-service and will have a hard time when they are not under the protective umbrella of their parent's running interference for them. These teens tend to:
- Never have a true understanding of their actions and how they affect others.
- Do not have a realistic understanding of accountability.
- Have a hard time understanding why others won't want to work with them.
- Challenging times ahead for them on their first job.
- Won't feel the enpowerment that comes with leadership, as those who can't be accountable for themselves are seldom put in positions of leadership and accountability for their group or team, etc.,
- Rules and boundries don't mean the same to them, and so it will be a constant struggle for them in this area.
- Tend to feel everyone is out to "get" them, when others point out their mistakes or failures.
- Will not handle losing a game, a bad test, or any kind of failure very well; simply because they have not been given the chance to learn how to do so.
So the next time your teen screws up - focus more on what they learned from it, or how they responded to it. Did they run away from the problem, and didn't accept any responsiblity for it? Then point out how their actions or choices created the situation, and what could they do differently next time. Most importantly, hold them accountable.
Or, if your child "steps up" and accepts responsibility for their actions? Then, even in this time of failure, there is success! They have learned, and therefore grown from their mistake. They will be stronger for having gone through it. That is the teen that is less likely to repeat their mistakes.
From my perspective, the teen that has parents who are strong enough to let go and let them fall because they loved them enough to know a little hurt now, prevents a lot of hurt later, is the teen that will grow up to live life to the fullest. They will not be afraid to think out of the box, and they will reach beyond what is "guaranteed" to get what they want in life!
Once again I've never had kids but I think you nailed again. Everyone makes mistakes and if parents micromanage their kids they never learn for themselves. Failing is a part of life and kids must learn from failure to get that life experience.
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